‎(281) 846-1886
‎(281) 846-1886

BTL Vanquish ME

BTL Vanquish ME is a body contouring treatment that uses radiofrequency energy and a non-contact contouring device to eliminate stubborn fat cells under your body. This has the largest treatment area and can treat those with a BMI > 30.

How It Works

Vanquish ME utilizes a special non-contact contouring device that hovers over your body. This device heats up the fat cells under the treatment area to about 45° C and forces the fat cells to undergo apoptosis, otherwise known as programmed cell death. The dead cells are cleaned up by your body’s lymphatic system and typically eliminated by your kidneys.

What Can I Expect?

Most patients undergo four treatments scheduled one week apart. Each session can take from 30-45 minutes depending on the treatment area.

During the Treatment

You will feel a warm sensation in the treated area which many last for a few hours after the session. The treatment is performed in a lying position so you many relax during it.

After the Treatment

There is no downtime and some patients reported results as soon as after two weeks.

